Universal Design CPD Webinar: In Sickness and in Health: Lessons from Universal Design in Healthcare

Event Date 19 Jun 2024

The Centre for Excellence in Universal Design (CEUD) at the National Disability Authority (NDA) is delighted to invite you to a webinar by architect Hanna Kickham on:

In Sickness and in Health: Lessons from Universal Design in Healthcare

Date: Wednesday June 19 2024, from 12.30 to 1.30pm

Description: Hanna Kickham was the guest chair of the 2024 RIAI Universal Design Award subgroup, which is supported by the Centre for Excellence in Universal Design.

At this event, Hanna will present an online seminar on the significant benefits of incorporating universal design principles into building design. The presentation will highlight the advantages for individuals of all ages and health conditions, illustrated through compelling examples, with a particular focus on the National Rehabilitation Hospital, which won the RIAI Universal Design Award in 2021.

This webinar is offered free of charge. Irish sign language interpretation and real-time captioning will be available at this event.

Register here

If you have a query about this event, please email [email protected]

Ruth O’Reilly (she/her)
Senior Built Environment Design Advisor

Centre for Excellence in Universal Design - National Disability Authority

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