Welcome to the Enabling Environments Advisory Group

Who we are

The AOTI Enabling Environments Advisory Group aims to promote the role of Occupational Therapy in the field of inclusive environments. The committee consists of a group of national Occupational Therapists with a range of experience and who have common interest and expertise in the area of inclusive environments. 

Formerly known as the Housing Advisory Group, we were set up in 1999. The Advisory Group’s name change reflects the broader environments used by people beyond their homes, such as, parks, work places, libraries, hospitals etc, thus encompassing both private and public spaces. We aim to highlight the importance of the occupational therapist’s role in the design and planning stages as well as the adaptation stage of these environments. We meet monthly and have an email address for queries that are promptly responded to by a committee member  

Our new name, the Enabling Environments Advisory Group, will be formally launched at this year’s Virtual Study Day on Tuesday 25th May.  


What we do.

  • Promote continuing professional development for EEAG members through organising training programmes and study days
  • Respond to relevant issues and collaboratively work with AOTI management to ensure best practice and identifying areas for further development
  • Support networking opportunities with other therapists through study days and group emails
  • Respond to and keep up to date with emerging issues related to environmental policies, strategic development and practice in Ireland 
  • A resource for practicing therapists, answer queries on environments, provide advice and information 
  • Collaborate with other professionals and professional bodies to develop interdisciplinary approaches to address inclusion and participation in environments.

Benefits of being a member

  • Access to Online 2nd Edition of Housing Design Guidelines for Occupational Therapist which was published in 2019 
  • Contributing as a group to maintaining and promoting access and inclusion in all environments
  • Networking and sharing expertise with occupational therapists across the country
  • Opportunities to continue professional development through support from the committee, training days and study days
  • Feedback from members is used to plan the content for CPD training, study days and document submissions 
  • Details of courses and events are regularly emailed to members 
  • Monthly or quarterly communication with group members on topics current within the EEAG

Apply Online

To join this group you need to be a member of the AOTI.

If you are a member please .

If you are not a member our membership page is here.