HIQA has published an Academic Slide Deck on A Human Rights-based Approach in Health and Social Care

The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) has published an academic slide deck on A Human Rights-based Approach in Health and Social Care. This academic slide deck is based on the development of the Guidance on a Human Rights-based Approach in Health and Social Care Services, published in November 2019, and on the evidence review and stakeholder engagement that informed the Guidance.

The slide deck is intended as a resource for those teaching health and social care students and those providing training for health and social care staff. It has been divided into a number of different sections which can be delivered together or separately as individual modules. It includes material on human rights within an international and Irish context, the legal framework relevant to human rights in health and social care in Ireland, and the application of human rights principles in day-to-day practice. In addition, it includes case studies demonstrating a human rights-based approach, questions to support self-reflection, a practical exercise and links to additional resources to support teaching and learning.

We hope that this slide deck will be useful for the continuing professional development of health and social care practitioners by providing a teaching and learning resource on the relevance of human rights to their work and how they can meet their professional and legal obligations to uphold these rights in their practice through a human rights-based approach. We would be delighted for your members to use this content in education and training programmes or for their own personal learning. The slides may be adapted for teaching and training purposes. However, we ask that HIQA be acknowledged as the source of these materials.

The academic slide deck, Guidance on a Human Rights-based Approach in Health and Social Care Services and additional supporting resources are available for download from the HIQA website www.hiqa.ie. In addition, HIQA is developing an e-learning module to support people working in health and social care to apply a human rights-based approach in their work. The module will also be available on the website when published. 

We wish to disseminate and promote this academic slide deck as widely as possible among relevant professional bodies and academic institutions. With this in mind, I kindly ask that you share this slide deck among your colleagues and within your organisation. If you or your colleagues use the slide deck as content in your courses, I kindly ask that you inform HIQA, using the contact details below. This will allow us to measure the reach and impact of this resource. 

If you have any queries or require further details, please contact the Standards Team on 01-8147400 or at [email protected].


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