Introduction - HSE Spark National Fellow

My name is Dermot Burke and I have been appointed as the first HSCP National Fellow for Innovation and Change at the HSE Spark Programme. 

Spark is composed of a group of clinicians, administrative staff and designers that make up a frontline innovation arm of the HSE.

Our main aims are to:

  • Encourage and support frontline innovation and quality improvement across all healthcare disciplines
  • Empower and engage frontline staff
  • Provide design and innovation expertise to promote the role of human centred thinking in the health system
  • Promote early engagement with emerging technology
  • Create a network of Innovators to spread good innovative ideas from healthcare setting to healthcare setting

Here is a great video that gives an overview of the work that we do

We have a number of initiatives running throughout the year, the latest one being Spark Seed see flyer here which I would actively encourage your members to get involved with. 

As well as this, on June 16th this year we will be holding our showcase event, The Spark Summit, details of which can be found here:​​

I am very keen to represent and champion the voice of HSCPs here at Spark and have an open door policy to encourage engagement with our progamme. If you would like to know more about Spark or are interested in meeting then please get in touch.



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