How do I find an occupational therapist?
The HSE provide Occupational Therapy services in local primary care centres, hospitals and community-based services. You may be able to avail of support from an occupational therapist through the HSE. If you are unsure how to access public Occupational Therapy services, you can your local health centre - click here to find your local health centre.
Due to the long waiting lists for many Occupational Therapy services, some people want to avail of support from occupational therapists working in private practice. AOTI has a directory of such therapists and their location and areas of which you can access on the homepage of this website It is recommended that occupational therapists in private practice have:
- Minimum 5 years clinical experience
- Have specialised in the area in which they wish to practice
- Provide details of experience to clients, as well as a clear schedule of fees, in advance
- If you require more information than is listed in the private practice directory, please contact the occupational therapist directly